The KINDER team joined the Coimbra Education School to provide students, teachers and educators with knowledge, skills, and attitudes for a gender-responsive pedagogy. In an integrated and collaborative perspective, we approached the persistence of gender stereotypes from early ages in the education systems that need to be transformed.
Between the 2nd and the 17th November 2021, the two week training action led by CES researchers has become a unique opportunity for ongoing participatory reflection concerning teaching and learning processes from a gender equality perspective and the education professionals working with children between the ages of 3-6 and 7-12 years old, and their role in the reproduction and transmission of gender stereotypes in kindergarten and basic schools in Portugal.

This initiative will continue throughout the next year, allowing us to deepen our knowledge about the challenges education professionals face to respond to the specific needs of girls and boys, and promote transformative teaching and learning processes in schools from a gender equality perspective.
In these training actions, students in Education degrees and their teachers will work together towards the development of pedagogical tools that are age-appropriate, gender-sensitive and behavioural change promoters. In this way, KINDER is taking the first steps and building the way to create and implement a gender-responsive pedagogy in Portugal.