

Tatiana Moura

Coordinator / Portugal

Maria Filomena Gaspar

Researcher / Portugal

Tiago Rolino

Researcher / Portugal

Patrícia Ferreira

Researcher / Portugal

Rita Alcaire

Researcher / Portugal

Sofia Gonçalves

Researcher / Portugal


Tamara Tokić

Coordinator / Croatia

Anamarija Sočo

Coordinator / Croatia

Monika Pažur

Researcher / Croatia


Bakea Alonso

Coordinator / Spain

Valentina Longo

Researcher / Spain

Maddalena Bianchini

Equal Opportunity Officer / Spain

Paula García Martínez

Equal Opportunity Officer / Spain

Tatiana Moura

Coordinator / Portugal

With a background in International Relations and Sociology and a PhD in Peace Studies, Tatiana Moura works as a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, where she co-coordinates the Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies Group (NHUMEP) since october 2019. Over the last two decades she has coordinated research projects on masculinities, gender equality, youth, violence and non violent trajectories in urban peripheries, particularly in Latin America. Currently she is the PI of two European projects: KINDER: Tackling gender stereotypes in education and early childhood: building a Gender-Responsive Pedagogy in Children´s Education; and PARENT: Promotion, Awareness Raising and Engagement of men in Nurture Transformations. She is also the PI of DECODE-M: (De)Coding Masculinities: Towards an enhanced understanding of media’s role in shaping perceptions of masculinities in Portugal, funded by FCT. Tatiana is also the Coordinator of Promundo Portugal and Associate Director of UniPeriferias/Instituto Maria and João Aleixo (a Global Think Tank that conducts research on youth and peripheries in Maré, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) since March 2018. Between 2011 and 2019 she was the Executive Director of Instituto Promundo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), an international NGO with offices in Brazil, USA, DRC and Portugal that works nationally and globally in engaging men and boys for gender equality. She is member of the Global and European MenEngage Network, a global alliance made up of dozens of country networks spread across many regions of the world, hundreds of non-governmental organizations, as well as UN partners that work collectively and individually toward advancing gender justice, human rights and social justice. She is the co-founder and co-coordinator of the regional MenEngage Iberia regional Network, that brings together researchers and gender justice activists from Portugal and Spain.

Maria Filomena Gaspar

Researcher / Portugal

Member of the POSTRADE research group of the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra since 2013 (member of the coordination team from 2015 to 2019). Researcher at the “ProChild CoLab Against Poverty and Social Exclusion” Collaborative Laboratory. PhD in Educational Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra (in collaboration with the University of Oxford in the UK) on the field of socio-educational intervention with families to promote the cognitive development of children. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra (FPCE.UC). Her research interests include parental education and family education, parental burnout, early childhood education and socio-educational intervention with children, youth and families. Coordinator (IR) of the research project ” Prevention / early intervention behavioral disorders: effectiveness of parental and school programs ” funded by FCT (2010-2013). Researcher at the UC of the project ISOTIS – Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society. Researcher at the CES’ project KINDER Tackling gender stereotypes in education and early childhood: building a Gender-Responsive Pedagogy in Children´s Education. Researcher at Portuguese member of the international consortium of the Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB) project.

Tiago Rolino

Researcher / Portugal

Tiago Rolino is a Law Graduated from the Catholic University (Porto, Portugal) and worked as a lawyer from 2003 to 2017. He is a Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies and co-coordinated the Portuguese team of EQUI-X – Promoting Innovative-strategies Addressing the Construction of Gender Identities and Engaging Men and Boys in Non-violent Models of Masculinity project and Promundo. He was also part of the PARENT team, working on fatherhood and caregiving, and is currently a researcher for the project IgualPro which works on stereotypes in the choice of professions and professional courses. Also, he is part of the statutory bodies of the Associação Projeto Criar, an organization that provide services of legal, psychological and social nature to women, children, youth and families who are acting offended/the crime processes, civil, tutelary educational councils and in the promotion and protection of children and young people in danger.

Patrícia Ferreira

Researcher / Portugal

Patrícia Ferreira holds a degree in Biology, a master in Science Communication and a PhD in ‘Governance, Knowledge, and Innovation’.

She has professional experience as a communication specialist in health and development projects in African countries, and in science and education publishing for children.

Since 2012, she collaborates in research projects intersecting social sciences, public health, life sciences, and public engagement with science at the Centre for Social Studies (CES, Portugal) and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI-Fiocruz, Brazil). Her field of research focuses on the development of new perspectives on knowledge production and communication practices in global health.

As a science communicator, she is interested in writing stories inspired by collaborative, insurgent and caring approaches to science and societal problems and debates.

Rita Alcaire

Researcher / Portugal

Anthropologist, documentary filmmaker, and social science communicator. She holds a Ph.D. in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies with a thesis discussing human rights through the lens of asexuality in Portugal. Co-coordinator of the MA in Social and Cultural Psychiatry (University of Coimbra) Rita Alcaire has been developing outreach and advocacy activities in this area of expertise, namely through the Hearing Voices project (funded by DGARTES). She has been involved in the organisation and facilitation of the advanced training cycle Publish do not Perish (CES) where she coordinates sessions on the mental health in academia and teaches social science communication strategies to Early Career Researchers. Her research interests lie in the expansion of theory and practice of social science communication through a queer and feminist approach, the study of gender and sexualities, mental health, and pop culture using media as a privileged way to engage with them.

Photo: João Azevedo

Sofia Gonçalves

Researcher / Portugal

Sofia Gonçalves has a professional career as a teacher, in both national and international terms, as well as the performance of pedagogical direction functions, namely, at the Bissaya Barreto Foundation (2006-2009 and 2011-2017) and at the Portuguese College of Cape Verde – network of Portuguese Schools Abroad (2017-2019), combined with the supervision of different pedagogical and social projects, at a national and international level. Alongside this path, since 2009 she has invested in the creation of libraries in schools and institutions in Cape Verde, with the cooperation of various Portuguese partners, within the framework of the project “Travelling with Books”. In 2020 she was awarded second place in the Manuel António da Mota Prize, for the creation of the “Technological School Platform”, in a time of pandemic crisis. She has also promoted various training actions and workshops dedicated to the problem of cooperative learning. With a PhD in Sciences of Education, specialization on Organisation of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Training, her CV shows some scientific publications, in specialist magazines and book chapters, as well as the oral presentation of work in scientific events. Moreover, she has been part of the organizing committee of congresses, conferences and seminars, of which we highlight the International Seminar of ESREA Network (European Society for the Research on the Education of Adults) on Access, Learning Careers and Identities, in 2019. She is currently working as an expert in the KINDER project. Tackling gender stereotypes in education and early childhood: building a Gender-Responsive Pedagogy in Children’s Education, under development at the University of Coimbra, in the Social Studies Centre. It should also be noted that since 2018 she has been teaching in higher education, in Portugal, at the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, at the School of Education, and abroad, at the University of Santiago (Cape Verde).

Tamara Tokić

Coordinator / Croatia

Tamara is a program coordinator and youth worker at Status M  with a master’s degree in applied arts and design from the Academy of Applied Arts, University of Rijeka. For the last six years she has been involved in the work of civil society organizations in Rijeka and Zagreb in preparation and management of projects and programmes, as well as implementation of training and educational workshops for children, youth and professionals in education and the social care system. She is also involved in the design and development of educational programmes for children and young people, as well as awareness-raising activities related to gender equality, inclusion, violence prevention and healthy lifestyles. Her knowledge and skills acquired through formal education are not overlooked, but are used in visually communicating shared values and ideas and gathering the community around a common goal.

Anamarija Sočo

Coordinator / Croatia

Anamarija is a seasoned project manager and facilitator/trainer. She has been active in civil society organizations for the past 15 years. She had worked in the Croatian national youth council where she was in charge of the organization’s overall development and implementation of advocacy and training agenda in the field of youth work. Since 2018 she has been working with Status M, managing national and international projects in the field of gender equality and gender-based violence prevention. She is in charge of the organization’s overall development and implementation of advocacy and education agenda in the field of intervention with adult men and fathers. She coordinated the Croatian team of the EQUI-X project (Promoting Innovative-strategies Addressing the Construction of Gender Identities and Engaging Men and Boys in Non-violent Models of Masculinity). She is currently a member of the governmental expert group in charge of the development of the national gender equality strategy. She is also a board member of an association providing support to children and young people in care. 

Monika Pažur

Researcher / Croatia

Monika holds a postdoctoral position at the Faculty for teacher education, University of Zagreb. She holds PhD in pedagogy from Faculty of humanities and social sciences, University of Rijeka. Her interests in the field of research are: human rights education, democratization of institutions, school culture and school leadership. She is also an educational trainer for human rights and democratic citizenship.

Bakea Alonso

Coordinator / Spain

Sociologist and feminist, she holds a Master’s degree in Social Problems and postgraduate studies in Feminisms. Bakea has been coordinating social intervention and development projects for more than 15 years as part of the Cepaim Foundation. She is the author of different methodological guides for social intervention from a gender perspective. At the same time, she writes scientific articles on equality and masculinities. She lives in Madrid.

Valentina Longo

Researcher / Spain

Graduated in politics and with a PhD in Sociology from the University of Padova (Italy), she has been working on research and actionresearch projects for more than 20 years both in the academy and in Third sector organizations. As part of the Cepaim Foundation, she worked as researcher in the Equi-x Project with the same partners as the Kinder Project, she is currently leading a research on the mental and emotional loads of care-work with a gender perspective. Author of articles of different nature, she tries to combine theoretical and social intervention approaches to reach the goal of transforming our societies on social justice and feminist basis.

Maddalena Bianchini

Equal Opportunity Officer / Spain

Equal Opportunity Officer in Fundación Cepaim, she has a postgraduate degree in social intervention about gender equality with men and boys and a Master ‘s degree in social intervention with groups. She has several years of experience working for migration rights from a feminist and intersectional perspective, for both work and activism, engaging with different grassroots collectives and governmental institutions. She is a co-creator of La Baula Proyecto Antipatriarcal, that organizes educational events and workshops about egalitarian masculinities and gender violence prevention in Valencia.

Paula García Martínez

Equal Opportunity Officer / Spain

Certified social assistant specialized in supporting women who suffered gender violence. She has 10 years of experience working with different collectives, and during several years she has cooperated within international humanitarian projects in Nepal and Greece. She has great experience and knowledge of the anti-gender violence network in the Community of Madrid, as she worked in emergency centers for gender violence survivors. Her work methodology has a transfeminist and intersectional focus, based on grassroots people’s centered participative perspective. She is actually working in Fundación Cepaim, as an Equal Opportunity Officer in the KINDER project.